We work with you from day one to discover your story, who your target audience is and how best to capture their attention through pictures. We ensure this process is tailor made to your unique needs. It is this approach that allows us to plan, design, and deliver a finished product that will help you to grow your business.
Planning is everything. We work with you to discover what you want to achieve from your film and how best to promote it. Together we will work on a solid strategy and story-line to showcase your service or product.
Our creative team will identify who best to interview from your business and customers, what you want to say and what images are needed to visualise the story.
We then create a filming schedule for the day detailing times and locations to film interviews and general shots. The crew is made up of a cameraman, producer, soundman and assistant producer.
Our editor then cuts the film together and sends you the first cut via Hightail or Vimeo. Feedback is given on the initial video and changes are then implemented. Keeping you at the centre of everything that we do.
As an agency we believe deeply in building strong relationships with our clients that are focused on adding measurable value and giving a return on investment. The core way we provide and measure this is through the use of data and analytics, as well as various forms of on-going Digital Marketing.